UCR Air Quality

The Colville Confederated Tribes are committed to working with our neighbors to build awareness of air quality in the Upper Columbia River airshed. We are seeking hosts for small PurpleAir monitors at locations near the River, anywhere between the US-Canada border and the confluence with the Spokane River. These monitors will send air quality data to centralized web sites and improve our community’s access to real-time air quality information. This is especially important during fire season so that we can understand when it is necessary to take precautions to protect our health. Currently there are very few monitors in the Upper Columbia River airshed, and we are aiming to change that.

Are you interested in hosting a PurpleAir monitor for this area? Please fill out this questionnaire! (PurpleAir interest within the Colville Reservation boundary can be found here)

The PurpleAir sensors use an internal laser to measure the size and number of tiny particles in the air, such as those from smoke and dust. The sensor does not measure what the particles are composed of.

Check out the real-time data at these links:
