Hazardous Waste

Assess and clean up hazardous waste/materials on the Colville Indian Reservation.
This program enforces the tribal hazardous substances control act, manages hazardous waste assessment and clean up activities on the reservation, maintains an information repository for all clean up and assessment activities on the reservation, past and present, including a responsible party file system, and informs the public of hazardous waste activities on the reservation. 

Assess and clean up hazardous waste/materials on the Colville Indian Reservation

Lake Roosevelt and Tribal Response 128(a) Repository is Located in the Lucy Covington Government Center - Office of Environmental Trust. 

Lake Roosevelt and Tribal Response 128(a) Repository is Located in the Lucy Covington Government Center - Office of Environmental Trust. 

  • Negotiate annually “tribal response” CERCLA 128(a) work plan with EPA

  • Enforce tribal hazardous substances control act

  • Manage hazardous waste assessment activities on the reservation

  • Manage hazardous waste clean up activities on the reservation

  • Maintain an information repository for all clean up and assessment activities on the reservation, past and present, including a responsible party file system

  • Inform the public of hazardous waste activities on the reservation

Tribal Code 4-16 - Hazardous Substance Control Act (HSCA) Link