Haden Creek Water Quality Project
The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (CTCR), Environmental Trust Department is inviting interested firms to submit proposals and qualifications statements for the performance of specified road maintenance work on the Colville Reservation. CTCR intends to award a firm, fixed price construction contract to furnish all labor, equipment, expertise, and specified materials necessary to perform all operations required for the successful completion of the project. CTCR was awarded funding from Section 319 of the Clean Water Act Competitive Funding Program to control non-point source pollution (NPS) in the Haden Creek Watershed. Project funding comes from the Environmental Protection Agency and Davis Bacon wages will apply.
Project Location(s):
Refer to Attachment A for project location and associated maps. Project sites are marked in the field by blue flagging with 319 Site ID Description written on it. Locations for obtaining rock are shown on attachment. Tour of Project Area on June 10. Meet @ Hwy 155 & Moses Meadows/Lyman Lake Road Junction @ 10:00
Project Overview:
The main objective of the project is to control NPS pollution in the Haden Creek Watershed to improve water quality and protect ‘beneficial’ uses designated in tribal water quality standards. This project is expected to reduce road erosion in the watershed and decrease turbidity and bacteria levels in Haden Creek. Road density in the Haden Creek Watershed is approximately 6-miles/mi² w/approximately 28-miles of road within 200 feet of a stream. Many of these roads are not maintained and original drainage mechanisms (e.g., ditches, dips, and sloping) are non-functioning, causing erosion and pooling on the road surface and depositing sediment into Haden Creek and tributaries.
Work will focus on improving stream crossing capacity by replacing undersized culverts. Routing of road runoff and sediment to streams will be reduced by grading and improving cross drainage to roads adjacent streams and approaches to crossings. The work will occur in the Haden Creek
Watershed vicinity, directly improving water quality, aquatic habitat, and riparian or streamside habitat of Haden Creek and other tributaries. There are three (3) components to this project:
1. Two (2) miles of surface drainage will be improved to meet CTCR Best Management
Practices (BMPs). Up to 10 rock-hardened drainage dips will be strategically installed within
the 2-miles of road surface drainage work (see map 3).
2. Up to one (1) mile of stream adjacent road will be obliterated (decommissioned to prevent redevelopment), ultimately disconnecting road runoff from the mainstem of Haden Creek.
Remove one (1) failed stream crossing (24” x 35’ culvert) within the road decommissioning,
while stabilizing incised channel and banks (see map 6).
3. Replace five (5) undersized and at risk stream crossings (culverts) with larger culverts to meet
CTCR BMPs (see maps 4&5).
Two miles of Grading, Ditching, and Ditch-outs:
Contractor will be responsible for successfully creating or improving existing surface drainage on 2-miles of forest road within the Haden Creek Watershed. Surface drainage areas will be marked (Blue-flagging) by Contract Officer Representative (COR).
Forest road surface drainage improvements shall meet or exceed BMPs required in CTCR Chapter 4-7 Forest Practices Code, section 4-7-60. COR shall provide a hard-copy of the CTCR Forest Practices Code to the contractor. A digital version is available from the Tribe’s website, under Government, then current code.
The contractor shall create or enhance road drainage features that maintain natural surface and subsurface drainage patterns, prevent erosion, and minimize delivery of road runoff to waters by:
Grading: Grade only as needed to maintain or improve the surface drainage while maintaining or enhancing the sub-grade. Pull road surfacing back onto running surface. Remove berms except those needed to direct water away from unstable slopes and reservation waters. Avoid the following: Removing all vegetation from functioning ditches. Undercutting the fill or cut slopes. Pushing sediment into reservation waters. Burying vegetation (e.g. right-of-way vegetation) into the road running surface or sub-grade. Watering of road surfaces shall be required as needed to effectively grade and maintain shape of road surfaces receiving project traffic.
Ditching: Ditches should be at least one foot deeper than the road prism and have an approximate 2:1 slope on either side. Maintain ditch vegetation within 150 feet of reservation water crossings. Clean ditch of debris if needed. Pull ditches only when necessary to maintain, improve or connect drainage. Do not undercut the road cut slope.
Ditch-outs: Install ditch-outs when the terrain allows ditch water to be drained away from the road on the same side the ditch is on. Do not install ditch-out where water from ditch will drain toward an unstable slope or directly into reservation waters or wetlands.
Watering of road surfaces or backfill shall be required as needed to effectively grade, compact backfill, and maintain shape of road surfaces receiving project traffic.
Rock Hardened Drainage Dips:
Drainage dips will be strategically installed within the 2-miles of forest road surface drainage work.
10-drainge dips have been estimated, however because the Haden Creek Watershed road system received wildland fire suppression traffic in 2015, and log truck traffic from the subsequent salvage logging operations, drainage amount and locations may be altered. COR will work with contractor to identify final drainage dip locations to coincide with final locations of the 2-miles of road surface drainage work.
Refer to Attachment B for construction notes and drawing of rock hardened dips.
Road Decommissioning
One mile Stream adjacent Road Decommissioning
Road decommissioning will consist of the following: pull-back of road fill and outsloping of road prism to minimum 5:1 slope. Where re-sloping is not necessary loosen compacted soil to create uneven terrain.
Place woody debris across re-sloped or de-compacted road surface using downed woody material within reach of the excavator where available, or where specified by COR.
Construct waterbars at intervals or locations specified by COR.
COR will specify tank-trap locations and final dimensions. Double tank-traps will be required to prevent re-entry from all forms of motorized traffic.
Full Culvert Removal:
Remove one (1) failed stream crossing (24” x 35’ culvert) within the road decommissioning, while stabilizing incised channel and banks.
Minimal reconstruction of channel and banks will be required. Trench 2 times the stream bed width and re-slope banks at 3:1 slope. COR may specify additional or less construction methods to minimize damage to channel and banks.
Stream Crossing Replacements
Culvert Replacement & Installation:
Contractor will supply and transport all culverts, rock, straw, seed and any other materials to work sites. All equipment transport to work sites is the responsibility of contractor.
Stream crossing replacements shall meet or exceed BMPs required in CTCR Chapter 4-9 Hydraulic Projects Application (HPA) Code, section 4-9-48. COR shall provide a hard-copy of the CTCR HPA code to the contractor. A digital version is available from the Tribe’s website, under Government, then current code.
Protective measures needed to divert streamflow and other surface water shall be built, maintained and operated during construction. The construction site shall be dewatered and kept free of standing water or excessively muddy conditions as needed for proper execution of the construction work. Dewatering shall include furnishing, installing, operating and maintaining all equipment including such pumps as needed.
Erosion: Erosion and sedimentation shall be controlled at work sites as needed, and all pollution control measures shall be adequately maintained in a functional condition as long as needed during the construction operation. All temporary measures shall be removed and the site restored to the original condition as practicable.
Excavation: Excavation shall be performed to the extent stated in the drawings or as specified by COR. Structure or trench excavation shall be approved by the COR before placement of any structure or earth fill. Any waste material shall be disposed of in areas outside the Riparian Management Zone or as approved by the COR. All borrow sites shall be left in a final condition with stable side slopes, removal of hazards, sloped to drain, free of depressions and other unsightly conditions.
Pipe Materials: Corrugated metal pipe and fittings shall conform to the requirements of the applicable specification for pipe, either American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials M-36 or American Society for Testing and Materials A-760. Couplings and band fastening devices shall be galvanized by the hot-dip method. Coupling bands shall be installed to provide straight alignment of the connecting pipe ends. Bands shall be positioned to overlap adjacent pipe ends equally. Bands shall be corrugated to match the corrugations of the pipe section ends being connected. The contractor shall furnish equipment as necessary to install the pipe without damaging the pipe or coating. Pipe shall be transported and handled in a manner to prevent damage to the pipe and coating. If the pipe is damaged before installation, it shall be properly repaired prior to installation.
Contractor will transport and properly dispose of all culverts being replaced or removed from stream crossings and abandoned roads. Contact Colville Tribal Recycling Program to ask if they will accept culverts.
Pipe Placement: The pipe shall be firmly and uniformly bedded throughout its full length to the
depth and in the manner specified on the drawings. The pipe shall be loaded sufficiently during
backfilling to prevent displacement from line and grade and to maintain full contact with the bedding during the placement operations. Final pipe placement shall align to average existing channel gradient.
Backfill shall be placed around all structures to the lines and grades shown on drawings. Backfill shall contain no sod, brush, roots or other foreign materials. Rock fragments greater than three (3) inches shall not be placed within two (2) feet of the pipe. Backfill shall be placed in horizontal layers with a maximum thickness of 12 inches before compaction. Fill adjacent to structures shall be compacted to a density equivalent to that of the surrounding fill by means of hand tamping, power tampers, or plate vibrators. Fill material shall be within an appropriate moisture range allowing compaction.
Additional fill shall be hauled and placed as needed to provide a minimum of 2.0 feet of cover above the culvert, maintain road width equal to average width of approaches, and create smooth vertical transitions to road approaches. Following culvert installation, road surfacing shall be similar to preexisting road surface material. Pit-run material is suitable as road surface fill.
Grass Seeding:
All mineral soil exposed by contractor related to project work will be seeded, including staging sites used. Seeding will distribute specified seed mix uniformly across exposed soil at 22 pounds per acre. Seed labels and receipts confirming use of specified mix shall be provided to COR. The seed mixture shall have the following composition:
Common Name | Scientific Name | Percent | Lbs/Acre |
Bluebunch Wheatgrass | Pseudoroegneria spicata | 26 | 6.0 |
Idaho Fescue | Festuca idahoensis | 23 | 5.0 |
Blue Wildrye | Elymus glaucus | 23 | 5.0 |
Prairie Junegrass | Koeleria macrantha | 14 | 3.0 |
Sandberg Bluegrass | Poa secunda) | 14 | 3.0 |
Schedule of Completion:
Scheduling and sequence will be agreed upon at meeting with COR. Work is expected to begin mid-July and shall be completed by September 15, 2016.
Criteria for Selection (Evaluation Criteria)
In addition to the evaluation criteria listed below in Table 2, selection will also be based on the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. An Evaluation Team composed of CTCR and ETD representatives will review the proposals. The criteria listed in Table 2 will be used to evaluate proposals for the purpose of ranking them in relative position based on how fully each proposal meets the requirements of this RFB.
Evaluation Criteria | Points |
Firm’s (and sub-contractor’s if applicable) Experience and Qualifications successfully completing work directly related to Component 1, as proposed by Drawings and Material Specifications. Including listing of past projects | 10 |
Firm’s (and sub-contractor’s if applicable) Experience and Qualifications successfully completing work directly related to Component 2, as proposed in the Scope of Work of this RFB. Including listing of past projects | 40 |
Firm’s (and sub-contractor’s if applicable) Experience and Qualifications successfully completing work directly related to Component 3, as proposed in the Scope of Work of this RFB. Including listing of past projects | 50 |
Mandatory Requirements Section of RFB completed? | Pass/Fail |
Mandatory Requirements (Must be submitted with your bid)
Describe your experience working in-channel of streams, constructing stream crossings, and installing road drainage and erosion control.
Describe your qualifications related to Components 1-3 as described in this RFB. List projects by type, date, and a reference contact.
iii. Indicate what equipment is proposed to perform work requirements.
iv. Provide proposed schedule to perform work. Project must be completed by September 15, 2016.
v. Price to perform required work. Break out separate prices for each work component listed above. Bid Sheet in Attachment D.
vi. Indian ownership info, including whether bidder is:
(1) 100% Colville Business Enterprise;
(2) Colville Family Business Enterprise;
(3) Colville Business Enterprise; or
(4) All other Indian Business Enterprise.
vii. Provide Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) Certification with bid documentation.
viii. Proof of insurance or written assurance that proof of Contractor’s Liability Insurance will be provided as required by CCT Construction Contract.
ix. Any exceptions to the specifications or any other special considerations of conditions requested or required by the bidder.
x. The proposal must be signed by an authorized representative of the proposing company