Watershed Management

Protect and enhance the water quality of the Colville Indian Reservation, manage Twin Lakes and Owhi Lake dam and protect reservation soil, enforce tribal laws on hydraulics practices, forest practices, mining water quality and water quality standards.

  • Preform surface and ground water monitoring on the reservation

  • ensure sustainable and productive reservation soils by operating a tribal soils program

  • Improve accuracy, quantity and availability of water resources data to other programs

  • Protect people and property by operation of a federal dam safety program

  • Help achieve sustainable integrated natural resources management by overseeing the water resources portion of IRMP and PPP (watershed plans)

  • Perform of coordinate watershed analysis to facilitate water and soil resource management and land use planning

  • Verify compliance with tribal water quality stan-dards law through monitoring, and periodic water quality assessments

  • Oversee enforcement of the mining practices water quality act

  • Enforce tribal forest practices act, and coordi-nate enforcement efforts with other programs

  • Enforce DNR forest practices regulations on fee lands

  • Advise Tribe and BIA on forest practice issues. Draft and implement improved forest practices regulations

  • Enforce hydraulic practices act

  • Oversees development and implementation of non-point source water quality projects

  • Coordinate wetlands program development and implementation.