Air Quality Mission

Protect air quality of the Colville Indian Reservation.

The Air Quality Program (AQP) functions within the Office of Environmental Trust and is funded by an EPA Section 105 Clean Air Act grant. The EPA governs air quality in Region 10 under a Federal Implementation Plan commonly referred to as the Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR). These were promulgated in 2005 to fill a regulation gap in the Clean Air Act and to protect air quality on Reservations.

The AQP was set up to protect the air quality of the Colville Indian Reservation by:

  • Analyze and advise the Tribes regarding the adoption of tribal laws and/or delegation of federal laws on air quality

  • Develop, operate, and maintain an air monitoring program for Reservation

  • Coordinate with EPA and others to build tribal air program capability

  • Coordinate with EPA on implementation of new federal air quality laws for the Reservation

  • Annually develop and manage air quality work plans, grants, and contracts with EPA and others

  • Perform air quality inventories and assessments

  • Conduct outreach, develop, and administer air quality programs

  • Operate an air quality permit system and coordinate with Fire Control on burning permits and smoke management issues

  • Maintain air quality program website for the reservation. Create content for social media.

Mitra Aflatooni | Air Quality Program Manager | (509) 634-2418 |

Kathy Moses | Communications Specialist | (509) 634-2413 |

Sue Anne Timentwa | Air Quality Technician | (509) 978-8025 |


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